March 12, 2012

Hola Familia y Amigos,

Como le va en la norte? I am so very glad that you all have been enjoying the pics. I hope they are all you guys hoped for, ha. I will tell you more about Elder Turner in a bit. Those pìcs of Caiden are so sweet. I loved them. Me and Elder Anderson were talking today about how much we just love sports. I love them so much and just seeing pics of them make me feel so warm and cuddly inside, haha. I am glad to hear that everything is going well. Sorry, Sister Brown, that you didn't feel so hot while you were back at home. Sounds like life is just moving forward as always. 

Now for answering questions. My new comp is Elder Turner and he is awesome. He is the district leader and he is from Georgia. He went to BYU for one semester before the mish. He graduated the same year as me, he just left a lot faster after high school. It's going to be an awesome cambio! He is a super hard worker. I am very excited for this transfer and the good work we are going to do tearin' it up here in Rahue Bajo 2. I haven't seen my 3 amigos de el ccm (from the Peru MTC) still. I sure hope I do. I have talked to Elder Larsen on the phone a few times, so that was cool. I still see Elder Anderson a lot. He is still in my district. Dad, the sign is actually an "S", haha, and it stands for "pura salvacíon" or in English "pure salvation" haha. One night me and Elder Purser came in from working one day after challenging 2 people to be baptized and I did that as we walked into the house to meet the zone leaders and they thought it was funny, so now we always do that. Our new zone is huge; we have 20 elders in our zone because they put a few more sectors in. It's pretty sweet; it will be another great cambio, hopefully full of baptisms. 

Now for a bit on this week. I dropped off Elder Purser at the bus station and picked up Elder Turner. We went to the sector and went straight to work. The first few days of the new cambio were a little tuff just because I was showing Elder Turner around and it was a little bit of a crazy week. Plus, we were getting used to each other. We are doing really well though. We are going to do awesome out here and we are already tight, haha. We are going to work so hard till we can't even walk out here and we are going to get some baptisms! I know it. I am so excited to keep working out here. It is all going really well. I am trying to think of a good story to tell, but I can't really think of anything. We taught over 20 lessons this week, so that was really good. One thing that I learned this week is humility is key to being successful, even more so when teaching. We can never think we are good enough to do it on our own; it will never ever work out. We are fallen men and very very far from perfect people and teachers. When we think we can do it on our own out here and teach with our own skill, it never ever works. Your mind will shut and any little tiny skill that you did have as a teacher is gone and you leave that house with a very confused investigator. If we humble ourselves and tell ourselves and God that there is no way we can teach with clarity and power without Him and His spirit, then go into a lesson ready to listen to what the Spirit tells you what to say and let him guide you. You will leave that house with a person with a baptismal date. It all depends on how well we can listen and be guided by the Spirit. I know that it is true because I have tried it with out His help this last week. It doesn't work out. That applies with everything, even sports. We develop the skills and then we leave it up to God to help us play to the best of our ability. If we put all the effort in we can then leave the rest up to the Lord knowing that nothing is going to happen without His help. It works out.

Ok, that's enough haha. Thanks for all your support and love. Love you guys so very very much.
Elder Brown

P.S. By the way, I have not heard from any of my friends at home in forever..... Maryn, Chase, CHRIS THURMAN, Elisa, Shayla, Whit, and Jenna. I hope you all see this, haha. I want to hear from you guys. 

I am glad everything is going well down at school and that you are keeping busy. Keep plugging a long and don't go on dates with losers. Just guys that will be cool brother in laws haha. Love you so much sis.
Elder Brown

That story about Emily was so cool and can't believe she hung out with my friends. Ha, I got you letter today and I loved Blake's story about his Uncles; that was awesome and the pics as well. Thank you so much. Well, thank you for always remembering me and updating me. Love you so much.
Elder Brown

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