WOW, no puedo creer lo que estoy viendo. Todos mis amigos alla en la casa. Parecen como todos hombres grandes y rectos haha. (Something about not being able to believe how many of his friends are already home) Look at those pics. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by and how many of my best buds in the world are there in O town de vuelta de la mision (returned from their missions). It makes me so darn happy to see those guys all together. They all look so great and I can just tell by looking at their faces that behind them they have loads of new experiences that have changed them and have made them all men. I feel as if a huge group of little boys all ventured out on a huge journey and all went their separate ways, and now, 1 by 1, we are coming back together, men with testimonies much bigger and friendships even stronger. It makes me feel so blessed to realize what amazing friends surrounded me growing up.
Ok, now for some question answering. MY TOOTH IS ALL FINISHED!!! I think it turned out good.... I sure hope so. It feels just fine. Mother, I have been in constant contact with Hermana Rappleye and I know for sure that the mission does not cover dental care. Unless for some kind of accident that left me toothless. Elder Crosby offered to punch me in the face and knock out some teeth so that then the mission could pay to fix all my teeth haha. I told him not to worry about it ha. I still haven't gotten your package yet mother, but I am sure it will get here soon. I don't remember any other questions, sorry if I missed something important.
So many people are going on missions!!! That would be so crazy to get home and that Zane and Brianne are gone on missions. They seemed so little when I left. I can remember playing basketball with little Zane boy when he was just a little guy haha. That's so crazy. It makes me so happy to hear that there are so many people heading out on missions. There is no better place that a young person could be than serving the Lord on a mission. It changes lives and it brings real joy. I have seen both of those things in the mission in my life and in the lives of those that I have taught. Wow, I can't even explain to people in words how important a mission is. All I can say is everyone needs to serve a mission. They will find out why when they can feel it for themselves, out doing the work of the Lord.
This week was a good week. We are beginning to see some great things in this sector, thanks to much fasting and prayers of many. We have begun to find new people to teach and some really great people at that. There is this little town about 10 minutes out of Pangui that we have visited like once a week that has provided some great fruit. The best being a family. The dad's name is Marcelo and he actually was a member and a very great one at that. Then satan got involved and he got in a big mess and was excommunicated. I am not sure what happened, and it doesn't really matter now, but I see a lot of desire in him to repent and be able to come back. He also has a ton of desire to share the gospel which has prepared two other investigators. His son and partner (they are not married of course, like all of Chile, but we are working on it). They are so awesome and they know so much about the church. The son, Felipe (16), reads the Liahona all the time and he loves it. We challenged him to be baptized when he knows it's true and he said yes. Along with a few other new investigators, our sector is looking to a great future. Luis, Vitalia and Bastian are good. Something happened between them and they are struggling a little right now. Luis in Church bore a strong testimony in Preisthood about how the gospel really is helping him change. It was so good to see an investigator raise his hand and say those kinds of things. Those kinds of moments drown all hard ones that are found in the mission. That is something I will never forget. It was powerful. We are really excited as a zone. We met together as leaders and brain stormed of how we can get everyone more animated about the work and we came up with some great ideas. I am excited to see the zone move forward and see great things happen. Oh yeah, my buddy Elder Sprenkle is now my zone leader I love that little guy.
Well family, it is great to hear from all of you. I sure do love you all and I want you all to know that I know that Christ is our savior and that through his atonement and gospel we can become much more than what we are now. Men change!!!! I have seen it. I gave a talk on that this Sunday haha. I love you all.
Elder Brown
1. Chauquen, one of the prettiest parts of Lake Panguipulli
2. They raise fish in this place and then send them ready to eat to the states
Elder Key,
I love you man. I have no time to write you. Thanks for updating me. I hope all is well. Oh and your friend is moving to Orem????? Write me again!!
Elder Osito
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