Well, I just have to tell you all that I sure do love being here in the mission. The Spirit that we were able to feel this last week has to have been the strongest in my whole entire life. Ha, I really do not have the words to explain it. What an amazing blessing to be here and feel those kinds of things. It is something I will never forget for the rest of my life. I love it so much. I am so glad to hear that all is well there, except for "crystal cup" has been damaged again, or in other words Caiden! It seems like every week he gets hurt again. Obviously I didn´t beat him up enough before I came out on the mission. I will take care of that when I get back haha. Sorry Dad that you haven´t been feeling so good, that's no fun. I cannot believe that Caiden is a priest, that is crazy. Those pics are way cool. Elder Walker and I decided that Caiden looks like a surfer dude, haha. We both got a good laugh after deciding that. Thanks for these pics Dad, they're awesome. Oh yeah who did Caiden ask to Prom?
Ok, now to answer some questions. Elder Walker is from Tremonten, Utah, but he is going to live a lot closer because he is going to be running for UVU. So I have actually been helping him with his papers to be prepared to go back there and run. How awesome is that. So he will be living like 5 minutes from the house. I already invited him to Sunday dinners, haha, I hope that's ok. I love being with Elder Walker, it is so much fun and he is really helping me to continue to grow and improve in a lot of things that I am not so good at. Dad, we live on the street, Manantiales, in the green apartments. I will post a pic of our apartment on the inside. Yes. the cookies are good here, mother, but not like crazy amazing, but they're just fine for me. Our investigators are doing great. We have 16 people who have dates for baptisms. There are so many great people here. I think a few of those dates might fall, because we haven´t been able to find them all. That man that we found that day the open house failed is so amazing. Him and his two kids now have a goal to get baptized and we are going to visit them today and hopefully put her with a goal to also. They are such an amazing family and we love them so much. They are a family that was prepared and ready for the Gospel. I think I answered a majority of the questions. I hope I did.
WOW!!! Another awesome week here in Patagonia. We see so many miracles here in Punta Arenas, but first I am going to start out with the bad news. Monday after we wrote the fams we got together, all the zone, to play soccer and basketball and just be more united. Everything was going great, we weren´t playing competitive or anything to avoid injuries, and then the bad happened. Hermana Lopez from Brazil was playing soccer and someone stepped on her foot and her foot stayed there while she kept going foward and injured her ankle. She acted like she was in a lot of pain so we decided to call a member and take her to the hospital. So Elder Walker and I lugged her out as she sat on a chair. Ha, good thing she is little. We went with her to the hospital and it turned out to be a break. They had to operate on her that night. She is now staying with the Stake Pres. while she heals up a bit. There was space in Pres. house because their son had left for a mission Tuesday, haha, so that's why we found a spot for her there. We are not sure what is going to happen with her but for now she is healing there in their house. That was the bad news, the rest is really awesome. The week went by so fast though that it is making it kinda hard for me to remember. The time is like the wind here, haha, so strong and fast that it about picks you up and throws you. Really though, the wind really is that strong here. There are cables to hold on to in centro because it gets so strong. I have never felt wind so strong before. Ok, to tell you the one thing that sticks out in my mind more than anything else is the powerful lesson that we had with that man that we found that day after the open house. He is so prepared, and we had a lesson with him Tuesday and it was so powerful. The Spirit was there testifying so strongly, not only to him but to us, that the Lord has much in store for Gustavo and his family. They are amazing. Elder Walker and I left that house and we could not say anything. We kinda just walked in profound silence and gratitude for what we had felt and what we continued to feel as we walked away. We began to try to explain to one another what we were feeling but we really just couldn´t do it. We tried and tried and then in the end we decided to just call it profound Joy. I can say it, but it just doesn´t really explain how it really felt. I can honestly say I think it was the happiest I have ever felt in my whole life. It was amazing.
Other than that all I can remember is how great this week was. We were able to finish it eating lunch in the house of the Stake Pres. yesterday with his fam and Hermana Lopez that broke her foot. Their family is so so amazing. They now have 2 kids out on the mission and their 18 year old daughter is getting ready as well to head out, so they will have three missionaries soon. They are such a great example of service. Right after having their son leave on a mission, taking in a broken hermana to take care of and feed. Then even more, so invite us two problems (haha) to come and eat at their house. They are so amazing. I sure love their fam so much. What great examples of selfless service and charity.
Fam, I can´t really think of what else to tell you. We are doing good as Zone leaders. We have just been in here on the computer for like 2 hours putting in numbers and goals and forms on how all the elders are doing, it's been a long one here in the cyber. I just want all of you to know that I know that our Savior Jesus Christ was ressurected and that he lives. I have come to know him so much better in the last year and so and I know with all my heart that through his atoning sacrifice that we can be changed. That is the central plan of our Heavenly Father, CHANGE!! We can change. We can become like our Lord as we repent and come to know him better. This Easter was a lot different. I did not feel that it was Easter, it was more just the Ressurection of Jesus Christ. There were no baskets, no eggs (except a couple chocolate ones that members gave us yesterday), or gifts besides for the wonderful gift that we have to invite all to follow the Living Christ who died and arose again for us. There is no better blessing. I love you all so much.
Elder Brown
1 our apartment
2. One of the churches here in Punta Arenas is right next door to a Catholic church, haha funny, huh?!

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